Which makes a better pet, a boy or a girl?

So many people, when they set out to find a puppy, are looking for a "sweet little girl."  For some reason, in a smaller dog, "sweet little" seems to match a female rather than a male.  However, we find that either sex makes an equally good pet. 

Below are some of the traits of each sex:
(Please Remember this is in general )


* It is cheaper to Neuter a male, than Spay a female

* Males tend to focus their attention on the whole family, while females focus their attention on one member.

* Males tend to be less demanding than females.

* Males that are neutered at an early age Normally don't Mark
(lift leg and pee on things).


* Female dogs tend to be easier to train than the males.

* Female dogs are often less pushy and "in your face" than male dogs are. Yes, females are affectionate, definitely, but often it's on their own terms

* When walking the dog the female usually empties herself only once, while the male may do it many times.

* Females tend to be a little smaller than males.

These differences are based on my family and friend's personal experience. However, there are definite exceptions to the norms, male versus female.

Both males and females are equally intelligent and affectionate.  Poodles are extremely versatile dogs and will acclimate to their environment and owner's expectations.